Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Nude Show @ The Wellborn Gallery on Dauphin Street

I just took my two nude sketches that are shown on this blog to the Wellborn Gallery on Dauphin Street by Cathedral Square this morning. I met with Whitney Calametti who thought the drawings were nice..She says one might hang..I'm hoping both..but she said the show was filling up fast..my first foray into the arts after almost 10 years..The reception is going to be next Friday, February 12 between 6pm-9pm during the Loda Artwalk I believe..The show will run thru the end of February..It is nice exposure again for my art..another direction as I mainly have done opaque's..thought I have done nudes in the past..I hope anyone reading this blog will go by and see my work..

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Another 25 Minute Pose

This sketch is bigger then my scanner bed..it picks up all the shadows around the edges..so just ignore those..I had a problem with the male model's left arm foreshortening..they were great model's..I enjoyed it..look forward to sketching again in February..

Nude Sketches @ 301

This is one of the 25 minute sketches that I did at the session at 301 Gallery..ignore the dark areas around the edges..the male model's feet were cut off in the scanner..This was done on sketching book paper with a black ballpoint pen..you can see the beginnings of this sketch as you are unable to erase it..I like that..I have always enjoyed sketching with ballpoint as I believe it sharpens your drawing skill..less apt to have mistakes..I sketch lightly then go in for the kill..ha..I was kinda proud of myself as its been about 10 years since I ve sketched nudes..I didn't know I still had it..

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Etsy Store..Opening Soon..

This is my store on Etsy.com http://sharonapatrona.etsy.com ...Sharona Patrona..Junkrecycler..Artist..A Girl In The Deep South..
I plan to put found vintage items and items that I have artrecycled..ha..slap a coat of paint on them and wow it's a whole new thing..my twist on it though..ha..that little girl on the fender of the bike is me..holding on for dear life and laughing..still me years later..keep checking out my etsy store..I will putting items on soon..

Pier On Mobile Bay In Fairhope

On Eastern Shore
Felt Pen On Rice Paper
This painting is copyrighted and cannot be copied or reproduced without the permission of the artist
I love to sketch with a felt pen on rice paper..love the flow of the pen..the ink sinking into the paper..with basically no control..Just something I've been working on lately..I'm working on an opaque watercolor of this drawing..My family owned some waterfront property from the 50's up to the late 1990's..We would go there during the spring thru the fall..sailing sunfishes..swimming and just lazing around..How I really enjoyed it and miss it..we would take the scenic route along the bay back and forth to Mobile..I always loved the drive along this route to the Fairhope Pier..The pier I sketched is down from the Fairhope pier..I love the pines that rise from the bluff..and framing this tiny little pier..


I'm entering the artist community again..it's been too long..I'm participating in nude sketching venue at 301 Space Art Gallery. It is held on 2 Saturday's a month between 10 am thru 12 noon I think..I look forward in sketching the figure again..

Saturday, August 8, 2009

"Cattle Skull"
Opaque Watercolor/Color Pencil
This painting is copyrighted and it cannot be reproduced without the permission of the artist
This is a painting of a cattle skull done mostly in monotone but I added a white color pencil..which I mainly shaded around the skull..this is a skull that was given to me by an friend, Joe Bond..we met at Ringling and for close to 25 years we were friends...but friendships change and it has been awhile since I've seen him or heard from him..he now lives in New Mexico..I went to spend some time with him about 10 years ago and he showed me Albuquergue, Santa Fe and Taos..I fell in love with Taos..I believe that I was at one time a chinese woman who lived in the southwest before the turn of the 20th century..ha..it was mainly what I collected for a long time..chinese lacquar, turn of the century oak furniture and western items..I always knew that my path led to New Mexico..and I loved it..the wide open vistas and you could see the sky..the only thing I didn't like was it was not near an ocean..I don't know if I could live there..but where ever my path leads me I will follow...Joe had a favorite uncle who he was named after..they had a very close relationship..I believe he was affected by his uncle's death..Joe would have really vivid dreams where Uncle Joe would tell him to get up and go outside to look at his roof..but Joe would never do it..He didn't want to go see..ha..