Saturday, August 8, 2009

"Deco Dee"
Opaque Watercolor
This painting is copyrighted and cannot be reproduced with the permission of the artist

DB is a local artist friend of mine..she is so neat with an offbeat sense of humor..she likes to laugh..we met about 20 years ago at Nolen-Schmidt's Gallery where she was working at the time..I was taking an etching class from Nolen..we hit it off..I did this painting of her using her initials as the background design..DB has just had her hair colored eggplant..a rich deep black/purple which I thought was really great looking..DB just has a distinctive style..a great artist too..she did the Mardi Gras Murals at Admiral Semmes in their dining room..if you haven't seen them..and you live in will see just how talented she is..

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